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Click Me Asia - The leading eRatings service for Asian Internet Community
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" The leading eRatings services for Asian Internet community "

Web site advertising with Click Me Asia ( allows your organization a very cost efficient means to reach a mass audience of future customers. The following outlines general information. We look forward to becoming your Internet marketing partner.

Rate Card:

A. Top Banner

Front Page and Search Result: HK$30,000/month with unlimited impressions
* Limit to to maximum total 5 random banners on front page and search result page.
Overal Site Top Banner Promotion
* Limit to to maximum 10 random top banners in
* Additional 50% for targeted category.
* Limit to to maximum 2 random top banners in each ranking category.
Pack Size CPM (HK$) Total Cost (HK$)
50,000 $240 $12,000
100,000 $224 $22,400
200,000 $208 $41,600
300,000 $192 $57,600
400,000 $176 $70,400
500,000 $160 $80,000

* Advertising prices at are based on impressions
* 15% commision for advertising agencies.

B. Sponsor Banner

Front Page and Search Result: HK$15,000/month with unlimited impressions
* Limit to to maximum total 5 random sponsor banners on front page and search result page.
Overal Site Sponsor Banner Promotion
* Limit to to maximum 10 random sponsor banners in
* Additional 50% for targeted category.
* Limit to to maximum 2 random sponsor banners in each ranking category.
Pack Size CPM (HK$) Total Cost (HK$)
50,000 $144 $7,200
100,000 $134 $13,400
200,000 $124 $24,800
300,000 $115 $34,500
400,000 $105 $42,400
500,000 $96 $48,000

* Advertising prices at are based on impressions
* 15% commision for advertising agencies.

C. Spotlight Text

Front Page and Search Result: HK$8,000/month with unlimited impressions
* Limit to to maximum total 5 random spotlight texts on front page and search result page.
Overal Site Spotlight Promotion
* Limit to to maximum 10 random spotlight texts in
* Limit to to maximum 3 random spotlight texts in each ranking category.
* Additional 50% for targeted category.
* Additional 20% with logo image.
Pack Size CPM (HK$) Total Cost (HK$)
50,000 $96 $4,800
100,000 $90 $9,600
200,000 $83 $16,600
300,000 $77 $23,000
400,000 $70 $28,000
500,000 $64 $32,000

* Advertising prices at are based on impressions
* 15% commision for advertising agencies.

D. Sponsor Site Within The Category

Sponsor Site

Sponsoring a site within the category, benefits include the followings:

  • The ranked site will appear on a higher position on the category navigation page than non-sponsored sites. The site appearing order will be Sponsor > Recommend site > Newest site.
  • The sponsored site will be displayed in the search result according the the keywords of the site's description.
  • The sponsored site will get an extra symbol Sponsor
  • Please note by becoming sponsor of the category will not increase the site rating, but instead we place the sponsor site at the top position during listing within the category (The site will be indicated as Sponsor Link).

The cost is HK$3,500 per year per site, please contact

E. Search Result Keywords Targeting

HK$200 per key word with minimum booking of 10 keywords.

Standard Discount:

Advertising Contract Period Discount
3 months 10%
6 months 20%
12 months 30%


a. Top Banner:
Sample Top Banner Ad

Image File Format: GIF format ONLY
Image Dimensions: 468 pixels wide by 60 pixels tall
Image File Size: 18K maximum size
Animated GIFs: Allowed (89a format only)

b. Sponsor Banner:
Sample Sponsor Banner Ad

Image File Format: GIF format ONLY
Image Dimensions: 120 pixels wide by 120 pixels tall
Image File Size: 15K maximum size
Animated GIFs: Allowed (89a format only)

c. Spotlights Text:
Maximum 50 characters.

Note: You can access your advertising statistics online in real time 24 hours per day, 7 days per week. You will be able to look up the actual impression used and the click-through ratio at anytime.


We accept on-line Visa, Master and American Express payment (Services provided by Bank of Bermuda), cheque in HK$ payable to a local bank in Hong Kong is also accepted.

No banner will appear prior payment transaction is completed. Advertising materials (GIF and URLs) are due at least one week prior to the start date. Inventory and prices are subject to change without notice.

If you have any further questions regarding advertising on Click Me Asia, please contact our sales department today.
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