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How to Search

  1. Use space to separate multiple words
    Search: Hong Kong
    Description: Search "Hong" or "Kong"

  2. Use "" to enclose a phrase
    Search: "Click me asia"
    Description: Search the whole phrase which matchs with "Click me asia" exactly

  3. Use +/- to include or exclude words from the search result
    Search: computer internet -game
    Description: Search site which contains "computer" or "internet" but not having "game"

    Search: Hong -Kong
    Description: Search site which contain the word "Hong" but not "Kong"

    Search: computer internet -"bit it" +web
    Description: search "computer" or "internet" and the results must not contain the phrase "bit it" and must contain "web"

    * all search are case insenitive
    * all search are NOT extacly word

How to Add Site

  • Either Add Site from Front Page or
  • Navigate to an appropriate category and click Add Site.
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