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Comment Rich Features * * * * o
Written by Lori Chen from Hong Kong on 2/26/2001
Not like an ordinary dotcom which lacks a human touch, House18 have a team of professional agents to deliver property brokerage service. Coupling with their content and feature rich website, they provide unmatched service to consumers. What's more? It's commission free for buyers and tenants. Why could you resist.
Comment Great Value! * * * * o
Written by Osmen from Hong Kong on 2/16/2001
Save your entries into your personal folder in the website, which you can access every time you go back. When you are ready to check out the property, online schedule an appointment with House18 property agent, who will show you the property and help you close the deal. The best deal is - CHECK THIS OUT - you don't have to pay any agent commission if you are buyer/tenant!!!
Comment The place to find your home. * * * o o
Written by Danny from Hong Kong on 2/12/2001
This is not simply a property portal that provides property information. It actually provides property agency service, with human agents, to help you buy your dream home or sell your property. Process is very simple: you go to the website, to open an account for free, and you can use all the tools to find-your-home.
Comment Great service * * * * o
Written by A happy user from Hong Kong on 8/13/2000
I just listed my properties 5 days ago with House18 and I already have 5 offers from buyers. I have listed with Centaline for 2 months and all I got was phone calls day and night from the agents and no real offers.(I even got called by Centaline agent past midnight!) I don't care whether House18 can go IPO or not, but I find their service very good and refreshing. It seems to have real substance.
Comment Facts * * * * o
Written by peter yo from Hong Kong on 8/13/2000
When you close transaction, you still need to PAY commission to the agent IMPLICATION: As a property buyer/tenant, I will use every means to look for my property, through House18, pp, gohome, etc. But when I close deal, I will go to I will actually grab my friend to visit the property with me by other non-House18 agents, and ask my friend to sign whatever agent form, and then I will ask House18 to find that listing and close deal for me.
Comment Better than traditional agents. * * * * 1/2 *
Written by Lynne from Hong Kong on 8/13/2000
I am sure h18 cyberagents can to better than traditional agents. However without physical presence, it will be very dificult to grow. IF you look at e-brokers like charles schwab, they are rolling out a real presence to complement. My humble advice to them would be to acquire a small chain (or merge) in order to develop the brand.
Comment They have created good brand awareness * * * * 1/2 *
Written by Shirley Thomas from Hong Kong on 8/13/2000
Their agents are armed with the best technology and their system is the most efficient one. Together with a well trained call-centre, the productivity is higher than other agents. 1-2 deals per agent per month is pretty impressive, though whether this is sufficient share to become profitable is a different matter. They have created good brand awareness and are not spending as much in advertising, right?
Comment H18 has the opportunity to start from scratch * * 1/2 * o o
Written by km from Hong Kong on 8/13/2000
People are right in pointing out that H18 is essentially a Centaline. Those who fail to see H18's advantage simply do not know how hard it is to change the internal systems and processes of an established organisation such as Centaline. H18 has the opportunity to start from scratch and design every process in the most logical way possible, using the latest technologies. The advantage is therefore in the higher productivity and efficiency of their staff.
Comment Another "Me to" dotcom. * * 1/2 * o o
Written by Li from Hong Kong on 8/13/2000
Run by a bunch of mckinsey people. heard they are burning cash quickly but still can't establish the market share that they want. After all, how can you compete agains SHK, century 21 and all those other real estate agencies in HK? Their model is not that sound. they are thinking of going into and both will not be successful cos they are both fields with many competitors with a lot more cash and human capital than they do.
Comment Highly recommended * * * * *
Written by Nicole Chiu from Hong Kong on 4/5/2000
I recommend this site to all serious property buyers. It provides useful tools for valuation and financial planning. On top of that, it's commission free for buyers.
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