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Comment Why don't you shut down your business? * * o o o
Written by Central from Hong Kong on 4/14/2001 has proved that it's failed, it's a piece of history now. It has shut down all of its services except for its e-card service. The listed company RenRen Media is suspended from trading for a long time since early march, I read the news a property rich brought 70% of its share now. Good Luck!
Comment Failed model. * o o o o
Written by Ren from Hong Kong on 4/10/2001
Internet business is definitely different from traditional businesses, those who work in the traditional services and product have no idea what it's all about, numerous institution providing e-commerce subject is not enough to jump to the Internet field, Internet it is all about "efficiency" whether your b2c, c2c or b2g. It is definitely a costly mistake for a lot company who never make it in the stock market for those who are already there you can guys should shape up or ship out.
Comment E-Card Center? * 1/2 * o o o
Written by Yeman Kong from Hong Kong on 3/23/2001
Why RenRen become an e-Card center? What about the best portal for global Chinese? The death of this dotcom is particular faster than anybody else with their over-spending marketing structure! I hope everyone learned an invaluable lesson from their history.
Comment Losing credibility! * o o o o
Written by ZH. Gwan from Hong Kong on 3/14/2001
Beginning 17 March 2001, will no longer provide hosting services for homepages and email accounts. This is what I received recently,'s best functionality are free homepage and email and now they are discard all. I sincerely wish they long life and in good shape.
Comment Falling Angel * 1/2 * o o o
Written by Ace from Hong Kong on 3/7/2001
Based on a Geocities-type model for community sites, (which means "everyone" in Mandarin Chinese) hoped to be the online community portal for the greater Chinese community. It was everyone's angel, but suddently lost her wing. Week content, poor management and high cost of advertising rate lead to the falling of this potential giant portal for APEX in year 2000.
Comment Merge with News Corp is the only way out! * 1/2 * o o o
Written by Rajeev from Hong Kong on 2/21/2001
I just read terminated 3 acquisitions in China including, and Xing Chuan Tech. The main reason is because those companies didn't meet certain performance terms. With it's work force laid off last month and the penny stock price. I think the only way for MR and his company is to merge with News Corp. Mind you is still a good brand after all the pro-active advertisment and brand building in Asia!
Comment Dream Team + Intl. VC = Failure? * 1/2 * o o o
Written by J. Chan from Hong Kong on 2/20/2001
Well, there are just something I really don't get in Hong Kong. A bunch of Ivy League consultants plus News Corps. huge investment shouldn't equal to failure! If I had that kind of money, I will rather put in the bank for interest (just like To conclude, failed because over expanding into China and over burned for its media advertisement. They forgot the basic rule, strong business model + good content. Unfortunately, they don't have both + poor management.
Comment Sigh! * * 1/2 * o o
Written by Marco Tabini from Hong Kong on 2/18/2001
With that kind of amount of investment, I really don't understand how can fail, it's not comfortable to see a shining star falling and being criticized by media. Overall, ICP is dead!
Comment Bad Timing & Poor Management * * 1/2 * o o
Written by China Ren from Hong Kong on 2/17/2001
It's a sad news when I heard will cease to operate next week. I still remember the golden days of, their renren ad were everywhere on buses in Hong Kong, Beijing and Shanghai. Shining top management from Mck. Consulting and received tons of $$$ from news corps, the media giant. However, it’s just not the right time with a not-so working business model. May be Wendy will regret what she was convinced and believed in now!
Comment Web mail is so poor! * * o o o
Written by Angry User from Hong Kong on 1/25/2001
That's enough!!! I will not use their email anymore. Always "unknown error" The trash folder will be full and you can't move/delete anything until you empty your trash folder. I've worked in renren b4...... their email system is in very low security level, very unstable....if u still using it, best wishes to u!
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