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Comment Merry Xmas Richard and NOW.COM! * o o o o
Written by James from Hong Kong on 12/26/2001
Having their customer for 3 months, I would say, it really disappointed me, the site design is a joke and the content only concentrate in latest stuff from TVB, what's the point if I have a television set? I tried to cancelled the service, the sweet NOW.COM CS girl told me they can extend the service for free till the end of FEB, and I asked them what they will offer me? "Err..Same as now...", "That's it, cancel!!!" is my answer, really hope they can add more classic TV series from TVB.
Comment A dream never came true! * o o o o
Written by Analyst from Hong Kong on 7/30/2001
Hong Kong billionaire Richard Li had a dream: to build a TV and satellite Internet service and pump original broadband programming into homes around the globe. On Wednesday, however, cyber kid Li presided over the funeral of his master plan, known as Network of the World (NOW).
Comment Is this the beginning or the end? * * 1/2 * o o
Written by Johnathan Newman from Hong Kong on 12/8/2000
NOW.COM has recorded the lowest viewer points in cable TV history according to the latest survey. It's annoying to see NOW.COM's stupid top management burn like hell, but still produce nothing interesting. Why don't they invest in other potential start-ups instead of going to the dead end? I think it's going to be the end for NOW.COM very soon because even it's parent company PCCW said the funding will stop in coming months.
Comment Revenue is affecting PCG's core business! * * 1/2 * o o
Written by Lessard Baldwin from Hong Kong on 11/2/2000
I only been to NOW.COM once and I don't like it to be honest, the content is not attractive (most of them are related to entertainment), too many pop up windows and Java Script errors. No wonder Richard finally decided to drop it. However, it's really too late, NOW.COM is definitely affecting the already "deep trouble" core business. May be it's time for Richard to think again the price to acquire CWHKT.
Comment NOW.COM's content must be localised. * * o o o
Written by rengdang from Hong Kong on 9/29/2000
I believe the medium of online video is definitely the next big thing on the internet. Studies show 98% of all commercial websites will have some sort of streaming content. However, I'm not sure if is really the right format. Here in Singapore, we have localised programming like that has a finger on the pulse of what people want to watch here. I believe content must be customised and localised, and offer alternative programming that viewers don't see on tv.
Comment Poor content, poor launch... * * o o o
Written by Lee from Hong Kong on 9/29/2000
Poor content, poor launch. Imagine spending millions dollar budget advertising on the grand launch and cause worldwide attention. Then disappoint everybody with rubbish content. People will just never come back. Another joke following the launch of which makes the same serious mistake. Brand building become brand destruction. What a pitty. Afterall, father and son ma......
Comment The interface design is horrible! * * * * o
Written by hmn from Hong Kong on 9/3/2000
The concept is doable but have you seen the interface? They couldn't even get that right, how can they do more sophisticated things? I couldn't even watch the women and Internet special. It was like.. hello?? If I can't use who cares about anything else.
Comment NOW on Cable TV isn't too bad, but not on the Web. * * * * o
Written by R. Lee from Hong Kong on 9/3/2000
NOW on Cable TV isn't too bad, content is actually pretty good, although PCCW better put some more localized content on. The British accents are annoying, try listening to the commentary on the Quake III Arena, make you want to get rid of the guy.
Comment The NOW guys could learn a thing... * 1/2 * o o o
Written by armchair from Hong Kong on 8/20/2000
I think the NOW guys could learn a thing or two watching programming like MTV, VH-1, CNN etc, or even BBC, but selectively, taking only the good bits. Certainly hope when they start HK production it won't be taking the worst elements of YMC and Star Sports and doing another dreadful blend...
Comment Really wretched programming * 1/2 * o o o
Written by armchair from Hong Kong on 8/20/2000
Has anyone watched NOW? Really wretched programming, I couldn't believe they were showing video games and some really obnoxious British presenter having an orgasm over the video character grabbing a flag or something. Then they have this regular Extreme Weather report, it's like Hullo, why does anyone care? It's all in English accents, a bit annoying if you're not and everyone trying to be very hip and exaggerated.
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