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Site Info: Alibaba.com /sorting.sites/comparsion.chart.asp
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Comment Alibab can never transform into an ecommerce platform! * * 1/2 * o o
Written by Bocca Veritas from Singapore on 8/13/2000
IMOO, people who think Alibaba can easily translate into an ecommerce platform must think about what value that adds. Every ecommerce platform must incorporate a detailed understanding of the industry and the processes in which a transaction takes place. Alibaba can NEVER do that. They simply don't have that expertise. They have a lot of members, but not loyal ones. I think Alibaba will sink under...
Comment Successful business model * * * 1/2 * o
Written by C Gouw from Hong Kong on 8/13/2000
The current development of B2B is so uncertain that most B2B sites offer only 'trading communities,' all attempting to transform the old-fashioned supply chains and create transparency & efficiency for different markets. Alibaba, already having a well established and mega network of vendors & buyers, it would not be difficult for them to create e-commerce platforms & enter the backend by doing procurement, logistics, payment processes, etc.
Comment Still Number One! * * * 1/2 * o
Written by Bocca Veritas from Hong Kong on 8/13/2000
Alibaba is still the leader in terms of a horizontal general B2B portal. But the company needs to build revenues ASAP, building eyeballs is not enough. Without revenues, means no IPO anytime soon, and a lesser-eyeball competitor can leap frog. Also, where's the value-add...Alibaba is simply a free listing service at this point, can it develop services that users will pay for?
Comment The most competent B2B * * * * 1/2 *
Written by Dale from United States of America on 8/13/2000
Alibaba is probably one of the most competent B2B, although they still have a long way 2 go.. but at least on the right track.
Comment Low burn rate! * * * * 1/2 *
Written by Shuo Fa from Hong Kong on 8/13/2000
NO B2B company has proven conclusively where the revenues will come from but at least Alibaba has got the large user base and can convert this to $$ in the future. That's much better than a company that has built the infrastructure but has no traffic. Having most of his people in China is going to be a lot cheaper than a company that has all their employees based in the U.S.
Comment After the shrimps * * * * 1/2 *
Written by laowai from Hong Kong on 8/13/2000
I think that the content that attracts eyeballs on Alibaba is the trade leads themselves. Jack Ma has said that he is after the shrimps (the smaller companies), not the whales. This is smart as it is virgin territory and the Internet is allowing these players to find each other and trade - something that was previously very difficult for them. If you look at the postings there are people from every country imaginable using the Alibaba site.
Comment I found my buyer in China. * * * * 1/2 *
Written by John Doe from United States of America on 3/7/2000
I found my buyer in China. This is no other trading site is the best and no one can beat Alibaba.com at the moment.
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