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Comment Chinadotcom, a disgrace... * 1/2 * o o o
Written by The Voice from Hong Kong on 6/27/2001
Back in 1997 where Chinadotcom signed a deal with Netscape where they would sell advertising onto their network and provide content to their site. The nominal content put on the Netscape site was a disgrace as most of the content was put on Chinadotcom use all big US players for its own PR. PYip was smart enough to shaft big corporations over in the hope that the PR and association would list CDC on NASDAQ. It did and he achieved his aim. Shameful!
Comment Unable to stand the downward spiral any longer! * * 1/2 * o o
Written by Karen Cristy from Hong Kong on 4/3/2001
Investors now attach so little value to China's Internet gurus that they have driven down the share price of all three homegrown portals, as well as that of Hong Kong's Chinadotcom, to below the cash value of their assets. I was so upset when I invested US$100,000 into CDC while it's US$60.00. I have to go back to consulting again.
Comment The once blue chip Internet company * * 1/2 * o o
Written by TT Wong from Hong Kong on 3/29/2001
Chinadotcom is getting down for sure, I am quite worried about the 400 staffs cut and closing regional offices. It's most money generated machine Web Connection won't make any money this year as well because there isn't such demand as dot-com crashed.'s portal has less and less content as far I as see nor their Inter Merchant. After all, the most unfortunate investment seemed to be Sarh's, it's such a great site but have to let go now!
Comment Another 400 headcount cut! * * * * 1/2 *
Written by Jeff Scott from Hong Kong on 3/28/2001
chinadotcom announced its workforce cut again, about 400 staffs going to be laid off. Well, I still think chinadotcom shouldn't relay too much on it's consulting arm Web connection and they should switch their portal business into something else that generate money, at least they can use their customer base and stick with some value added on services such as pay per view content.
Comment Good Luck! * * 1/2 * o o
Written by R. Roberson from Hong Kong on 2/21/2001
much of the company’s web solutions Chinadotcom's main stream revenue comes from related parties and many related parties are strapped for cash, hence unable to pay their Web Connection bills. As a result, it looks like the collapse of Chinadotcom’s investee companies will produce a double whammy: investment write-downs and receivables write-downs, with an effect on both the top and bottom lines of the income statement. Good Luck!
Comment Poor performance! * * * 1/2 * o
Written by Warsh Delion from Hong Kong on 2/16/2001
Chinadotcom is facing earnings pressure from goodwill write-downs, receivables write-downs, poor investment performance, and a fundamental slowdown in revenues. In my own opinion, Chinadotcom will need to work much harder this year in order to rise their regional reputation and stock price in NASDAQ.
Comment From Haven to Hell * * 1/2 * o o
Written by Abbey from United States of America on 1/31/2001
Asia’s Internet has gone from boom to bust. The granddaddy of all Asian dotcom’s, Chinadotcom, kicked off the year 2000 with a secondary share issue of $400mn. It was to be the largest dotcom equity issue of the year. Investment bankers Goldman Sachs marketed the company as a catchall for anyone interested in investing in Asia’s new economy. Like the red chips before it, Chinadotcom was the ultimate concept play…until the tide turned. Now it's only around US$6.00!!!
Comment Who's next? Chinadotcom that is! * * 1/2 * o o
Written by Karen Cristy from Hong Kong on 12/21/2000
It's totally crape during the interview yesterday Chinadotcom's CEO looked down on mainland China's ICPs, saying Sohu, Sina or Neteast can’t be compared with Chinadotcom, which is much higher level than others because they have a totally different strategy. While, I don’t give it a damn! most of my ibank colleagues are selling out Chinadotcom now, sorry you will be the first one to go, your stock has dropped more than 70% since April and it's going to go below US$1 soon.
Comment Going strong! * * * * o
Written by HM from Hong Kong on 8/13/2000 is a pretty dislikeable company but it has webconnection and 24/7 and a lot of money - like US$600m. it's going to take a real big gust of wind to snuff them out so it's going to be around for a while. the portal stuff is a laugh though.
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