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Comment History already * * * o o
Written by insider from Hong Kong on 6/16/2003
It used to be the best portal but I think Yahoo is much better now. They rely on SMS services but I think all other portals can implement similar services.
Comment Overally BAD! * 1/2 * o o o
Written by designer from China on 12/28/2001
Sina has made all the Web design mistak in its portal with an overflow of banners, windows poping up without control, animated gif's which have nothing to do with the content of your page and are just taking download time, etc. Overally speaking, it's just bad taste from a bunch of bad designers.
Comment Design comes second! * * * 1/2 * o
Written by Karen Fung from Hong Kong on 11/29/2001
Look and feel is less important for Hong Kong users than functionality and navigation. Just like Sina, there are more than 10 animation banner in the frontpage and it's consider OK!!! Even if Hong Kong users consider a given site ugly or "local-looking," they will still use it as long as it offers useful functionality. Well-planned information architecture is crucial for users to complete their tasks quickly.
Comment Sina's future looks good * * * * o
Written by James Wallace from United States of America on 10/31/2001
The Internet business in China is different from the rest of the world, sure as well as Sina. As the flow of information in China is limited, the Internet becomes a major channel for information. Even if global Internet development is slowing, China's won't. But there's something which is beyond their control. There are a lot of changes in online advertising. The odds and difficulties should also be taken into consideration. There's still uncertainty here!
Comment My views * * * o o
Written by Guru from Hong Kong on 10/30/2001
To be quite honest, no local portal is doing well in terms of putting useful/interesting content together - Sina is too cluttered (it has more than 10 ad units on its homepage), is boring, Yahoo doesn't have deep enough content, Lycos doesn't even have enough people to keep the site well-maintained.
Comment Economics downtime and dotcoms in China * * * * o
Written by Campine Johnson from Hong Kong on 9/12/2001
With what happened in NYC last night and the global stock market down time today, I vision many of the dotcoms from China will be de-listed soon especially NetEase has already been ruled out. The whole operation environment will be getting much harder due to slow the down in economics growth and consumer spending. It’s necessary for traditional ICPs to change their main stream business model in order to survive.
Comment Annonying ad on Sina * 1/2 * o o o
Written by Alex Wong from Hong Kong on 7/27/2001
The banner ad on Sina is super annoying. They have like 10 flying ads on 1 page and covers all their content. It's an extremely painful experience to browse their site . Let's watch all their users dissapear from the site...
Comment Resist to die * 1/2 * o o o
Written by Shi Kong Jiang from China on 6/26/2001
China's #1 portal Sina suffers from a chronic lack of revenue. While last year they attracted enough visitors to qualify as successes, those Chinese eyeballs failed to generate money. Advertising revenue has dropped because most banner ads had been purchased by other troubled Internet ventures. I really wonder if they can last till the end of the year with the stock keeps around US$1.00.
Comment CEO resigned and the ending of * * o o o
Written by C. Chatfield from Hong Kong on 6/5/2001
CEO of Wang ZhiDong resigned last week, doesn’t this bring us a sign of indication that was born in a wrong time (at the beginning of NASDAQ crash) and on-line advertising business model has died finally. Sina the website itself is great in content and update always in step, however, the step down of Wang told us that the pioneer of China dotcom industry also has to face the reality at last. Just my 2 cents.
Comment Bad situation * * * * 1/2 *
Written by David Sussman from United States of America on 4/3/2001
When the internet business was burgeoning like a garden of perennials, one of the brightest blossoms was China. It had the numbers, of course—more than a billion potentially wired Chinese—and a seemingly inexhaustible army of plugged-in, ambitious techies. Sina is one of them, grab the money from NASDAQ, but struggling now. Sigh!
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