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Site Info: Lycos Asia /sorting.sites/highest.ranked.asp
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Comment Future of Asian's ICP * * 1/2 * o o
Written by Ted Watson from Singapore on 1/29/2001
It seemed to me that Lycos’ Myrice purchase occurred shortly after Yahoo!’s US$146mn absorption of Taiwanese portal Kimo and just prior to eBay’s US$120mn investment in Korea’s Auction. These deals speak volumes about the future of online media and commerce in Asia. All these US giant portal moves indicate that they definitely see profit in long term in Asia.
Comment Incompetant busienss model. * * 1/2 * o o
Written by Mavis from Hong Kong on 1/22/2001
LycosAsia's business model is nothing but a big joke and their idea is very much like Asiacontent. Just localized the content and sign up with stupid co-brand partners (they paid to be there and provide LycosAsia free content). I do expect the layoff or restructuring is coming.
Comment general manager * * * * *
Written by eric wang from Taiwan on 12/12/2000
Excellent site that provide nearly perfect in content or services. Keep it up the good performance.
Comment Execuse me! How good is that? * * 1/2 * o o
Written by Bobby Chan from Hong Kong on 12/6/2000
Oh man! I can't believe someone keep saying Lycos Asia is the best portal around in the region. Mind you that all their content were borrowed from it's co-brand partners and worst those stupid co-brand partners have to pay the fee and provide valuable content. The only asset of Lycos Asia is the search engine which in no where can compare with any local ones. In Hong Kong, there are Timway, Soson; in Singapore, there is; in China, there is Sohu, etc.
Comment Excellent * * * * *
Written by laodao from Singapore on 12/6/2000
This site is really excellent. The content is localized. And the download speed is good. Most of important point is the search results are very good.
Comment Money can't buy everything! * 1/2 * o o o
Written by Benson from Hong Kong on 12/5/2000
Well, there is no doult that Lycos Asia has tons of money to spend, but consider the crap they are assembed in the past few months. Everyone knows it tried to copy the successful Yahoo model, but the result doesn't look like any body sadly. I think Lycos Asia in the end is just another high-burn rate, low revenue site which will eventually disappoint its share holders.
Comment Lycos is expanding so fast! * * * * o
Written by Jack Norman from Hong Kong on 12/2/2000
In recent months, LycosAsia has launched operations in Hong Kong, Singapore, Korea, etc. and has build a huge team with offices in these areas. From what I heard in Korea, LycosAsia is pro-actively looking for partners and it will definitely become the largest ICP in Korea within short period of time. If you notice, same thing happens in Hong Kong as well.
Comment The largest and most localized US portal * * * * o
Written by Nikki from Hong Kong on 11/29/2000
I think Lycos so far did a good job in launching different localized portal in Asia. It has pro-actively signing co-brand partners to build the content and aggressively promote the brand. LycosAsia's name is everywhere while most of its competitors are so quiet at the moment. Well Done!
Comment The most localized US portal * * * * 1/2 *
Written by Loris Kwok from Hong Kong on 11/21/2000
I would stronly recommend LycosAsia, it's one of the most localized US portals I've ever seen. Indeed it came to Asia pretty late, almost 2 years later than its competitors such as Yahoo, but so far it rolled out so many interesting services and sign-up with co-brand partners across Asia. Keep up the great job!
Comment Strong Knot! * * * * 1/2 *
Written by Opera Kim from Korea, Democratic PR on 11/20/2000
Lycos Korea, has partnered with Asia's leading e-loyalty solutions provider,, they should expect to increase the number of regular users on our website as well as provide them with a better user experience. Having been using Lycos Korea for more than 1 month, I would say this is one of the best ICP in my country!
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