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Comment GO2HK FREE afterall! * * * * *
Written by Charlie from Hong Kong on 10/3/2005
After almost 6 years, GO2HK was forced to withdraw their fee based auction model. This is good and bad, good for a reputable local auction house to rebuild their traffic, bad for their investors losing the main revenue model. May be GO2HK need to switch to advertising for service added type like what HK Yahoo is doing is the best after all. Keep Up!
Comment GO2HK is not working after all * o o o o
Written by Eric from Hong Kong on 9/19/2005
With strong presence of eBay HK and eyeball king Yahoo HK Auction, GO2HK's future is in vain. I do not see any exit plan for it except closing shop soon. GO2HK imposes expensive fee , ridiculous item posting rules, server is 6 years old and still running on NT, always down, at least once a week for at least 1-2 hours. They also constantly ban members, even long time supporters for no reasons. The most important thing is traffic has reduced a lot since many people left to Yahoo for goods.
Comment NOT ACCEPTABLE! * o o o o
Written by Ken from Hong Kong on 2/4/2005
GO2HK's CEO Alan should step down and responsible for losing all uploaded images!!! That's a complete 1 month image! It's your damn stupid server, always hangs, producing errors and so. Please it must be kidding that GO2HK is still running on NT4!!! Also, make sure you got a good backup and disaster recovery solution. One last thing, I don’t think you have a good exit plan since eBay is not interested in HK, strongly suggesting you to bid yourself on GO2HK for buyer.
Comment GO2HK lost all my pictures!!! * o o o o
Written by Jackson from Hong Kong on 2/2/2005
Guest what? GO2HK lost all their customer's uploaded image since 12/23/2004!!! This is NOT acceptable at all! What a crap!!! I will never use GO2HK anymore and switching to Yahoo HK instead, besides, it's free over in Yahoo HK.
Comment Will GO2HK survive? I don’t think so. * o o o o
Written by Peter Wong from Hong Kong on 11/30/2004
With the white knight like eBay coming to Hong Kong and offer millions to buy it. GO2HK seemed it doesn’t have an exit plan at all, it’s revenue isn’t growing, just look deep down to each big auction category, only 2-3 people are bidding and not to count many buyer ignore the commission fees and re-registered as a new user. Their CEO Alan should really worry about his business model now.
Comment very interesting * * * * o
Written by wang ki from China on 11/23/2004
A very interesting and useful site for buyers and sellers.
Comment Don't even think about it! * o o o o
Written by sam from Macau on 10/21/2004
Such worst site try to charge auction fee? Don't even think about it!
Comment Probably one of the worst auction site! * 1/2 * o o o
Written by Iris from Hong Kong on 7/16/2004
I really don't understand what's going on with GO2HK recently, their server always hangs, search function doesn't work, auction assistant failed, my auction item never showed up in the search result. Yes, GO2HK may be the most visited auction site in Hong Kong, but watch out, there are Ebay and Yahoo with a much more reliable service and lower fee. The only advice I can give is to upgrade GO2HK's hardware please!
Comment GO2HK server is very UNSTABLE! * o o o o
Written by Daniel Tse from Hong Kong on 7/13/2004
I've been a regular bidder on GO2HK, the reliability of their site is degrading everyday. Sometimes the server went down for the whole weekend, sometimes the posted items cannot be found, I heard the server is still using NT 4.0 on an old hardware. Please GO2HK, if you know Ebay is doing so many ads, then you should wake up! We do not want to loss another good local HK product.
Comment The Most Popular * * * * o
Written by insider from Hong Kong on 6/16/2003
GO2HK is probably the most popular auction site in HK. They have stronger pricing scheme and should be able to survive.
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